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Bariatric Surgery Pre-Operative Nutrition Guidelines


Bariatric Surgery Pre-Operative Nutrition Guidelines

The pre-operative diet is required for all patients before weight loss surgery. This diet will help to reduce the size of your liver and decrease the fat stores in your abdomen. These changes make it safer and easier for your surgeon to perform surgery. Breakfast

Preparing for Bariatric Surgery


Preparing for Bariatric Surgery

Before undergoing any type of bariatric surgery, it is important that patients follow their doctors’ instructions closely and educate themselves on the risks and potential benefits of the procedure. To mentally prepare yourself for obesity surgery, do the following: Understand the surgical process and what



Preoperative Nutritional Basic Principles

Getting prepared for surgery takes a little planning. Consider pre-surgery nutrition as similar to getting ready for a marathon or big game. You need to prepare yourself for a procedure that creates some stress on your body. Good nutrition can help it out. 1- Follow

Benefits of pre-surgical weight loss


Benefits of pre-surgical weight loss

Some of the surgical complexities of obesity surgery may be overcome with weight reduction prior to surgery. However, it is essential that clinicians and patients realize that the initial weight loss program is seen as the commencement of a lifelong management plan incorporating surgery, behavioral



Bariatric Surgery Procedures

Weight loss surgery is also known as bariatric and metabolic surgery. These terms are used in order to reflect the impact of these operations on patients’ weight and the health of their metabolism (breakdown of food into energy). In addition to their ability to treat

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